Prologue, the alternative energy megatrend in the age of great power competition, book cover

The Prologue: The Alternative Energy Megatrend in the Age of Great Power Competition, By Alexander Mirtchev

Stage 1 of this consulting project focused on providing extensive research-based analysis, written input and editing for a book which provides an in-depth look at how alternative energy has evolved into a global megatrend with potentially significant geopolitical, geo-economic and security implications. Stage 2 involves managing publicity as well as think tank and university outreach for the published book.

Trade Remedy Analysis

Economic consultant on anti-subsidy (countervailing duty) investigations. Recent cases have dealt with subsidy practices in China, Korea, Vietnam, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka.


Trade Remedy Analysis. Freight boat on ocean with containers.
The Quest for a New Global Economic Equilibrium by Alexander Mirtchev

Economic Security & Statecraft: The Quest for a New Global Economic Equilibrium

Provided extensive research-based analysis, written input and editing for a series of short articles covering the most pressing global economic issues of the 21st century (e.g., inequality, supply and demand of labor, shadow economy, energy security, food and water security and the challenges of future growth).

G-20 & the Real Economy: Bridging the Divide

G-20 & the Real Economy: Bridging the Divide brought together interviews, short stories and quotes from companies and business associations in several G-20 economies. The resulting U.S. Chamber of Commerce booklet provided a brief overview of the global financial architecture that emerged in response to the financial and economic crisis and explored how businesses in G-20 economies responded to the new architecture.

G-20 The Real Economy Bridging the Divide
  • G-20/G-7 Strategic Communications Plan

Provided a strategic communications plan for how Johnson & Johnson’s European office could engage, in a consistent and effective way, with key international forums on: a) the importance of global health as an international priority and b) why the Health industry is an important partner as governments seek solutions to current and future health imperatives.

Transatlantic IPR Collaboration was an EU Commission €500,000 grant project with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce which focused on anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy policies in Europe and the United States. The culmination of the grant project was the release of a joint study and a 2-day transatlantic conference held in Washington, DC.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce‘s Eurasian Business Platform initiative fostered regional cooperation and integration with the twin goals of creating a transparent and profitable commercial and investment climate and contributing to the positive development of a strategically important part of the world.